Saturday, February 12, 2011

Best Exercises for Fat Loss

By:  Craig Ballantyne

In the 80's and 90's workout magazines that I read, fat loss workouts recommended isolation exercises, like the leg extension machine and the chest-fly machine as being best for helping your sculpt your body. But we've come a long way since then...


Today I want to show you how to choose the best exercises, and even the right exercise order, to get the most fat loss and body-sculpting in the least amount of time.

Let's start with some simple rules on how to pick the exercises.

1. Exercises should always work multiple muscle groups.
2. Exercises should be done standing, whenever possible.
3. Exercises should be effective for fat loss even if only the bodyweight version is used (i.e. squats).
4. The hardest (most intense) exercises should always be first.

Before I explain the rules in detail, let's first cover the warm-up.

Every Turbulence Training workout starts with a general warm-up. By now, you should know that I don't like the traditional 5-minute cardio workout (excluding those who need it for injury purposes, according to their health care professional).

The purpose of the warm-up is to specifically prepare your muscles for action. Walking on a treadmill for 5 minutes does little in terms of preparing your body for strength training. Therefore, I start every workout with a general, total body circuit.

When putting together total-body workouts and warm-ups, I think  about 4 "hot zones" on the body. And I have to address all four hot  zones with exercises in the warm-up. The hot zones are:

a) Back of Legs
b) Upper Back
c) Chest
d) Abdominals

Why do I only worry about the back of legs? Because almost all multi-joint movements that train the back of the legs will also stress the quadriceps, even if only in a static contraction.

Take for example, this general warm-up (to be used in place of the treadmill):

A) Y-Squat (hold your hands over your head in a "Y" formation) - 15 reps
B) Close-grip Pushups (kneeling or advanced) - 8 reps
C) Stick-up - 8 reps

Hopefully you can see how that hits all 4 hot zones through dynamic and static contractions. If you don't, let me know.

Ok, now we are ready to move on to the meat of the workout.

As stated above in the rules, we must pick our hardest, most intense exercises first, and perform them in sets of low reps.

Here's a Turbulence Training bodyweight-only, body-sculpting workout routine that I've designed to show you the correct exercise order, and the types of exercise that are best for changing your

I'll be using this exact workout with one of my high-profile movie stars this afternoon. She needs to keep her body sculpted without bulking up. But she still needs to be strong, lean, and athletic for her fight scenes in the movie she is filming.

1A) Split Squat (8 reps) [Advanced use the Bulgarian Split Squat]
1B) Elevated Pushup (8 reps per side) [Kneeling or Advanced)
2A) Step-up (12 reps)
2B) Bodyweight Row (8 reps) (Beginner or Advanced)
3A) Stability Ball Jackknife (15 reps)
3B) Back Extension on Ball (15 reps)

Each super set (i.e. 1A & 1B) is done 3 times with no rest between exercises A and B, but with a 30 seconds rest after B, before you repeat the super set.

Following the strength portion of the workout, complete the workout with Interval Training.

Each exercise uses multiple muscle groups, so that more calories will be burned during and after exercise.

We also design each super set to use two intense, non-competing exercises. We use low reps where possible. We train for strength at the start of the workout when we are fresh.

What do I mean by non-competing?

That means, you should be able to perform the two exercises back to back with minimal fatiguing effects from the prior exercise. You have to pair exercises that don't use the same muscle groups.

The rules of exercise selection and exercise order will allow you to get lean, boost your metabolism, and to train with a high-intensity throughout the entire workout.

So when I put the exercises together, it is all about putting them in the right order to get you lean.

Click here to get the Turbulence Training workouts:


Full body workouts sculpt a better body faster,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Creator, Turbulence Training

P.S. You've asked... 

I'll let these female clients answer...

"Everywhere I go, people who I haven't seen in a long time see me and are shocked at my transformation. For a 37 year old, married, mother of 4 to hear that she looks "hot" or "terrific" is the ultimate compliment! Your program has completely changed me. I have tone muscles in places I never thought would be tone again! Thank you for your sincere dedication to those of us who want to make a difference in our lives."

Terri Stuckey, Chardon, Ohios

Click here to get your Turbulence Training workouts:

=> 21-day Free Fat Loss Trial

"Wow! I have been a Certified Personal Trainer for 7 years and I have not seen any other program that works as quickly or effectively. Within 3-4 weeks of doing the Turbulence Training  program, I lost the last 8 pounds, and am now happy to be at my  pre-pregnancy weight- and stronger than I was before."

Annette Allen

Turbulence Training

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